Six Simple Steps To Creating Intuitive Wealth For Your Six Figure And Beyond Business - Home Study Course

SKU 00033
Product Details

Featuring Anne Deidre’s Signature Business Creation Method Home Study
PDF Workbook and 6 Downloadable Audios


Activating-Your-Entrepreneurial-Energy-AudioActivating Your Entrepreneurial Energy

MP3 Audio

Personal life changing meditation channeled from ascended masters allowing you to access your Divine consciousness

Chakra-Power-AudioClear and Activate Chakra Power

MP3 Audio

This audio will help clear and align chakras 1-7 for your business. Only Anne goes past the lower 7 chakras, moving up to 8 and 9 clearing your dormant gifts and abilities.

Develop-Intuitive-Gifts-AudioDevelop Intuitive Gifts

MP3 Audio

This audio develops user’s specific intuitive gifts. The one they have come into this world with and are their own Divine connection. Whether it is to animals, medicine, angels, food, or any other unique experience in life. Anne’s audio works with you to develop your specific gift.

Intuitive-Business-Creation-Method-AudioIntuitive Business Creation Method

MP3 Audio

As an entrepreneur, there is a Higher Energy required, to go from the mundane, work day world to creating something unique to you. This audio is a manifesting template to be able to work energetically as an entrepreneur. It facilitates the shift that allows you to be exhilarated with the uncertainty of this process.

Intuitive-Business-Creation-Method-AudioClarity on Message

MP3 Audio

Whether you know it or not, you have been living your own unique purpose every day of your life. Your own experience validates you for the teacher you are and the message you have to share. This audio clarifies your message (for example, you are not depressed, you are a teacher for clearing depression).

Virtual-Website-Channeling-and-Building-AudioVirtual Website Channeling and Building

MP3 Audio

Anne's channels how to create a website that is unique to you and effective in the virtual market

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Six Simple Steps To Creating Intuitive Wealth For Your Six Figure And Beyond Business - Home Study Course