Akashic Record True Purpose Soul Reading

SKU 00024
Product Details

60 Minute True Soul’s Purpose Intuitive Reading for 5D and beyond living with energetic transmissions, light code activations and Divine Energy Attunements that your soul is ready for at this time. With Master Intuitive Facilitator, Teacher and Guide Anne Deidre. With Akashic Record Insight Reading and Beyond, we will Open Your Soul Book, past, present, future and in between lifetimes to gain insight on what you personally and uniquely came to share, transform and experience in this lifetime, your true souls purpose. This reading can help answer “Why Am I here?” “ What else is possible, is there something more that I’m missing?” “Why am I experiencing this in my relationships, career, health and wellness, how do I shift or change this?” “What are my next best steps?”

We’ll connect with the Lords and Masters of the Akashic Records, With my Divine Team of Archangels, Ascended Masters and Yours in Source Energy with our Higher Selves-
Bring your intentions, current reality and we’ll explore possibilities with expanded energetic attunements, to amend soul contracts no longer serving, detach you from morphic fields holding you back and attune you to a higher vibrational reality where you can experience more peace, joy, love and abundance.
Includes a Divine intuitive gifts activation, multidimensional healing ,better connection with your Guides and Angels so that you can live more fully and authentically by Your Divine Design.
One Hour Reading $297

Special Offer Price $177

Blessings, Anne Deidre

Other Readings Available Elevate your Energy

Align to Soul Frequency
Do you have a question about love, soul purpose and well-being?
During our sacred time together I will energetically align with Spirit, Ascended Masters, Archangels and your soul’s Divine Self to bring forward the information you need to clear your energetic blocks, get unstuck and shift your energy. I will work with you by connecting with your energy field to ‘shine a light’ into your Energy Center’s to illuminate your inner gifts, talents and activate a love frequency. Working with the Celestial Realm we will remove blocks in your Energy Centers caused by the layers of false beliefs you’ve been carrying. Each reading is intuitively customized according to YOUR soul journey and integrates all of my intuitive and healing gifts to serve your highest good so that you can experience more clarity, peace and connection.

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Akashic Record True Purpose Soul Reading