Intuitive Makeover Key #1: Creativity

We, as sparks of the Creator, have been given the full authority to connect to the Giant Genius of Spirit and create whatever we want in our lives. Creativity, by definition, encompasses new ideas, forms, and methods. Creativity is painting, drawing, writing, playing music, dancing, decorating. It is how we live our lives and how we make decisions for ourselves. We are the creators and designers of our lives. This is a powerful concept. Do you need to be a painter to be an artist? No—being artistic and creative is a way of life.

Being creative requires you to be aware of the present moment, to listen to your intuitive guidance in that moment and act on it. Being creative is not “thinking about it,” but rather listening from within and doing from a place of spontaneity and knowingness. As you hear and act, you feel a powerful sense of trust. You will feel a sense of peace and joy as you create your life from moment to moment through listening to your intuition.

Painting is one vehicle of creative expression, one that has allowed me to tune into higher realms and unending inspiration. Writing is another avenue of creativity. I believe that there are many ways and that we are all creative. It is the way we approach life, with Faith, Hope and Love. After experiencing years of depression and anxiety, connecting with my creativity has helped me soar to new heights. I feel my inner strength and know that if I hit a wall, my creativity shows me new doors. I turn a corner and see new possibilities.

Why nurture our creativity?
Well, when we don’t, life can become dull and meaningless. We are all born with gifts and talents and our creativity allows us to express ourselves and share our gifts and talents with others. It frees us from isolation and helps us feel our sense of community. We can wake up joyful and inspired every day.

You experience wonder, miracles, freedom and peace beyond measure. You become inner directed, able to participate in the world with joy, independent of other’s opinions. Despite what is happening in the outer world, you are connected through Spirit and live in an abundance of ideas and inspiration.

Creativity is a gift we are all born with. With surrender and trust with our Creator, we build a powerful bond. We can create unlimited possibilities as we co-create with the Universe. Our lives become enchanted and magical. Stop and listen to your loving inner guidance today and experience a joy filled life.

“The Kingdom of Heaven is Within.” The first time that I heard or read those words, they helped me feel the light at the end of the tunnel. I no longer worry at all. Intuition, psychic awareness, psychic meaning of the Soul —all this inner work pertains to the inner world that many of us miss if we are too busy to notice, or too immersed in the earth plane world. Spiritual teachings encourage us to be in the world, but not of the world.

Many people have experienced power outages, earthquakes, and other major earth change experiences. It is more important than ever to learn to listen to your highest guidance that comes from within. We are so used to depending on outer resources for our well-being. In times of change, let us remember how divinely guided we are. Creativity is our connection with Spirit.

Before I felt creative, I felt depressed, like something was missing. Can you relate to this? Did you ever feel destined for creative genius? That book you dreamed about writing? The art you could show somewhere? Do you want to creatively design your life to match on the outside what you know to be true on the inside?

I felt this way and am here to tell you, that more and more, my reality has surpassed my dreams. When I was younger, my art teachers told me to forget about being an artist. I never dreamed of having my art sold, having commission work, and then displaying on the Laguna Beach Gallery Website.

We are here to experience abundance and to experience it to the fullest—and that’s through our creativity!


Find a quiet spot and close your eyes. Breathe consciously and begin to imagine the color orange. See this sphere of orange energy grow brighter and brighter, feel its warmth.

Now begin to imagine what it would be like to feel like an artist in your life. Imagine that you are filled with ideas and inspirations beyond your wildest dreams. If you like to cook as a passion, imagine that award winning dish on your own Food Network Show. If you want to teach others about what you have learned, see yourself in front of hundreds, thousands, or millions of people as they take notes on every word that comes out of your mouth. You are mesmerizing your audience and wowing them with your wisdom. They are cheering and clapping and smiling. If you have gone through life, you have learned something that you can teach, if you want to. You can teach a friend or millions of people. I believe it was Wealth Coach T. Harv Eker who said, “How you become a millionaire is by helping one person. If you can help one person, you can help a million.”

Allow your will to be aligned with Divine Will and you have nothing to worry about. There is no such thing as dreaming too big.

(C) 2013. An excerpt from Extreme Intuitive Makeover: 55 Keys to Health, Wealth, and Happiness by Anne Deidre. Published by HenschelHAUS Publishing, Inc.

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